Courage Café Chat
Wednesday – July 1, 2015 – 8pm ET
Uncertainty Courage – It’s a Full Moon
During a full moon so many lines are clear even in uncertainty!
Wednesday, July 1, 10:20 PM EST, The Full Moon of July is known as the “Hay Moon,” “Buck Moon,” or “Thunder Moon.” It rises around sunset and sets around sunrise; this is the only night in the month when the moon is in the sky all night long. The rest of the month, the moon spends at least some time in the daytime sky. This is the first of two Full Moons this month.
How do we feel today? How will this change tonight? I know I will be walking Eleanor after 10pm EST to get a glimpse in Baltimore and feel the abundance of the light, energy and positive spirit only a moon from our universe can breathe upon us.
From what I have read and what I feel…..the Full Moon gives us courage and allows us to be possible, visible and authentic with our true voice at the forefront.
Believe in our power of self and authentic being even if we are in a state of flux or uncertainty. Allow ourselves to feel, release, be, trust and know we are enough.
Let’s take a journey and walk thru how we can find courage even when we feel uncertain. How we reflect and shift both positive and negative and the short and long term affects this feeling has on our mind, body and soul.
It takes insane courage to detach and speak from the inside out…..heart centered living or soulful living to walk tall and proud in our authentic selves.
After all….isn’t really about how we feel and the courage to get to that place?
Chat Questions Below:
Q1 Describe your day in two words?
Q2 Were you encouraged to take a risk (or not) please explain?
Q3 How did scarcity or uncertainty show up in your life today?
Q4 Did you play it safe or rock w courage to surprise yourself?
Q5 How might you plan for embracing different possibilities of scarcity or uncertainty?
Q6 Reality and imagination – can we tell the difference in our minds?
Q7 How can a full moon keep you feeling full abundant and optimistic to move forward no matter your present state?
Q8 Share a process you use for accepting an unpleasant reality?
Q9 How do we know the difference between what we can accept and what we can change in our minds/life?
Q10 What role will courage play to step into your grace and shine like a full moon?
When you are grateful you cannot be fearful
Leave tonight in courage, knowing there is something bigger inside of you!
Gaining clarity on how you feel inside will evoke the best of you that is yet to come. All the juicy breakdowns, breakthroughs and transformations you experience truly ARE the journey of life.
My hope is you embrace this process and continue to join us – I am eternally honored and grateful you are here #couragecafe XO
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